
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Episode 6: Rejection & Revision
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
I was rejected. Twice! The first one wasn't to bad but the second was devastating for a full 24 hours...until I received their notes. I'm not wallowing here, I promise. Just chatting about rejection and maybe a little about the pressure we feel to not feel our feelings in public.
Also, I'm revising my first novel! It's been a source of embarrassment to me for a while. A few weeks ago I decided to take the plunge and revise, revise, revise!
Want to know more about me? Check out my website saywordbeller.com, or look for me on Twitter and Instagram: @saybeller.
Thanks for listening!

Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Episode 5: The Push to be a Planner
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
The full transcript for this episode is available at https://www.saywordbeller.com/post/episode-5-about-this-writing-thing-the-push-to-be-a-planner-transcript
Are you a plantser or a pantser and feel the constant push for you to be a plotter? Me too. That's why I'm talking about it this week.
Want to hear the first two episodes? https://soundcloud.com/user-45710744
If you like this episode please consider rating and subscribing. If you want to share it that'd be great as well!
Find me on Instagram & Twitter using the handle @saybeller

Monday Aug 26, 2019
Episode 4: No more "Aspiring" and other Peeves
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Do you refer to yourself as an "aspiring" writer/author? Stop it!
This week I'm talking about a few things that we really need to stop doing in the writing community. First and foremost, stop minimizing what you're doing. If you're writing creative works you are not aspiring, you are writing. Want to write faster? We've all seen those videos and heard the spiel, right? I've got the answer in this episode!
**I say YouTube podcast in this episode. Sometimes my words don't work well. I meant, of course, YouTube video**
Thanks for listening!

Monday Aug 19, 2019
Episode 3: Eliminating "Thought" Verbs
Monday Aug 19, 2019
Monday Aug 19, 2019
After reading Chuck Palahnuik's article Nuts and Bolts: "Thought" Verbs on Lit Reactor I knew I was in trouble! Time to eliminate those "thought" verbs from my narrative.

About This Writing Thing
Started in 2019, ATWT is a bi-weekly podcast designed to share just what living the full time writing life is all about. Hosted by novelist Sayword B. Eller, this podcast serves as her live journal, of sorts, where she talks about the ins and outs of writing and the ups and downs of her writing career, while also sharing informative episodes about the craft itself. In 2022, Sayword began interviewing writing friends about their journeys, their publications, and their favorite writing advice. If you'd like to be featured on an episode of ATWT, email Sayword at aboutthiswritingthing@gmail.com!